Bringing experience, knowledge and compassionTo The Legal Battlefield.
Photo of Attorneys Dennis Schroader

Year: 2022

Never do these 3 things after a motor vehicle accident

When you travel throughout Washington, safety is no doubt one of your top priorities. There's only so much you can do while driving, however, to avoid problems on the road. When you share the roadway with other motorists, you have no control over their driving...

Assessing damages after a Washington collision

When another vehicle struck you on a Washington highway, you may have been on your way to work, to the store or traveling for pleasure at the time. Depending on the exact circumstances of the incident, you may have suffered severe, perhaps even life-threatening,...

Violence is an issue for many men in a divorce

Any number of issues are relevant to a breakup in a marriage. Some Washington couples decide to go their separate ways, simply because they have drifted apart after many years together or because they have irreconcilable differences. In other cases, however, domestic...

What are the DVPO laws in Washington?

If you live in Washington and are considering divorce in connection with domestic violence issues, you will want to make sure that you clearly understand the laws that are relevant to your case before you file a petition in court. Especially if you are a parent...

3 helpful tips for dads who divorce

Many Washington dads are currently navigating legal issues regarding child custody. Some situations are more contentious than others. If you have recently filed for divorce, one of your top priorities is no doubt to devise an effective co-parenting plan. If your ex is...

Did you suffer a brain injury in a Washington collision?

If you were traveling down a Washington road when another vehicle hit you, the next days, weeks, months (or longer) of your life may be stressful. The force of impact, even if you were wearing a proper seat restraint and your air bag deployed, can cause severe damage...

Parental alienation is a big child custody problem

Perhaps you can relate to many other parents in Washington who were concerned about their children’s well-being when they filed for divorce. If you and your spouse have determined that you want to move on in life without each other, it doesn’t mean that either one of...

